
August 11, 2019

Activist® Red

A high analysis, activated source of copper for foliar & soil applications
August 11, 2019

Activist® Zinc

An activated source of zinc for foliar & seed dressing applications
July 29, 2019

Agri Buffa®

Acidifying biodegradable spray adjuvant now with pH indicator for penetrating and aiding compatibility.
October 24, 2019

Balance ZN

A readily available liquid fertiliser for rapid correction of zinc deficiencies
October 24, 2019

Balance ZMC

A readily available liquid fertiliser for rapid correction of zinc, manganese & copper deficiencies
July 29, 2019

Complete ZMC

High analysis Zinc, Manganese & Copper suspension designed to promote a healthy uniform & vigorous plant growth and mitigate deficiencies.
July 29, 2019

Enhance KCS

Concentrated Silica, Calcium & Potassium suspension to increase plant tolerance to salinity, enhance disease & pest resistance, improves shelf life & quality of fruit & vegetables
July 29, 2019

Maxi Mang®

A high analysis source of manganese, ideal for foliar & seed dressing treatments across a wide range of crops
July 29, 2019

Supa APP

The ideal starter and foliar fertiliser when high levels of plant available phosphorus are required for growth and root production.