
July 29, 2019

Kontrace 8

Trace Elements
July 29, 2019

Maxi Mang®

A high analysis source of manganese, ideal for foliar & seed dressing treatments across a wide range of crops
July 29, 2019


A balanced liquid NPK fertiliser for the rapid correction of deficiencies and growth of plants.
July 29, 2019

Supa Cal® Bor

Readily available nitrate free calcium and boron solution.
October 24, 2019

Supa Cal® Mag

Readily available nitrate free calcium and magnesium solution.
July 29, 2019

Supa CopperTM

For the correction of copper deficiencies and maintenance in horticultural and broadacre crops
July 29, 2019

Supa Moly®

Concentrated liquid nutrition for correction of deficiencies and maintenance of growth
December 5, 2019

Supa Stand Phos®

Germination & Root Booster. A highly effective starter fertiliser for promoting root systems, aiding establishment and plant growth.
July 29, 2019


High analysis liquid nitrogen with added urease and nitrification inhibitors provides a slow even delivery of nitrogen to achieve uniform growth