July 29, 2019

Optical Ag

An ideal post flowering application to improve fruit firmness / shelf life in a chloride, nitrogen & sulphur free formulation.
July 29, 2019


High analysis liquid calcium for strengthening cell walls, extending storage life & correcting calcium deficiency
October 24, 2019

Pitstop® Plus

High analysis liquid calcium for strengthening cell walls, extending storage life & correcting calcium deficiency with added boron to aid calcium utilisation.
July 29, 2019


A balanced liquid NPK fertiliser for the rapid correction of deficiencies and growth of plants.
July 29, 2019

Stand SKH

Balanced Concentrated silica & potassium to improve heat / drought tolerance and cellular turgidity which reduces lodging
July 29, 2019

Supa APP

The ideal starter and foliar fertiliser when high levels of plant available phosphorus are required for growth and root production.
July 29, 2019

Supa Agri Mix

Specially formulated EDTA + Multi Ligand chelates of essential trace elements for their efficient delivery through fertigation
July 29, 2019

Supa Bor®

High analysis suspension concentrate to maintain boron levels or for accelerated correction of boron deficiency in horticultural & broadacre corps.
July 29, 2019

Supa Bor® Plus

High analysis true solution for accelerated correction of boron deficiency in horticultural & broadacre corps. High analysis viscus solution.